Implementation Services
Association and nonprofit leaders often ask us to help them implement their most important priorities. We’re doers who love working side-by-side with our clients. We serve as trusted advisors for CEOs and their boards, help lead major projects and initiatives, and provide ongoing communications and management services and support.
We’ve helped organizations:
- Build better governance and volunteer structures and processes
- Increase member engagement
- Develop new programs, services, and signature offerings
- Improve member onboarding, acquisition, and retention strategies and communications
- Assess and pursue new partnerships and alliances
- Retool revenue and membership models and dues structures
- Restructure to achieve greater alignment and productivity
- Expand their operational capacity by providing ongoing program and operational management services
- Ensure smooth transitions by providing interim executive leadership
Meaningful Member Engagement
We’ve had the pleasure of working with the Pennsylvania Municipal League for nearly a decade. Our assignments have included member research, developing two strategic plans (and we’re in the midst of our third), and facilitating strategy processes involving their business partners and staff.
Most recently, The League engaged us to conceptualize and help produce a 10-year visioning process to energize and engage its members and stakeholders.

2B’s CEO, Elizabeth Bailey, facilitating a regional Envision Forum.
ENVISION 2032 included:
- Surveying municipal leaders throughout the Commonwealth to identify the issues they view as essential to address in the next ten years to gain insights into their current priorities.
- Convening seven forums across Pennsylvania that brought together more than 200 municipal leaders, business partners, and stakeholders to share promising practices, learn from their fellow local leaders, and discuss what the future potentially holds.
- Publishing the ENVISION 2032 leadership publication, which debuted at the October 2022 Municipal League Summit (see the flipbook below). The publication covers the topics of highest concern that municipal leaders identified in the survey and forums. Each topical section contains context regarding current realities and future challenges for municipalities in Pennsylvania, municipal leaders’ suggestions for how we should move forward, examples of actions municipalities are taking now, and policy recommendations for Commonwealth lawmakers.
The League is continuing to advance the ENVISION 2032 initiative through ongoing member engagement outreach and activities.

The League was pleased to meet with Governor Wolf to present and discuss their ENVISION 2032 — Charting the Future for Pennsylvania’s Municipalities publication!
2B Services: Project conceptualization and planning, brand identity design, survey development and analysis, forum facilitation, writing and graphic design for the publication and leadership presentations.
Creating A School-Based Statewide Parent Engagement Program
2B was asked by the California State PTA (CAPTA) and the Hewlett Foundation to conduct a yearlong, statewide research project among diverse populations of elementary school parents to gauge parent interest in supporting the arts in their schools. The findings revealed a more fundamental need that dwarfed every other issue: parents from all walks of life are hungry for training in how to make schools work better for their child. Upon sharing the research results with our clients, the entire focus of the project changed and we were asked to develop a new program to educate parents in how children learn, how schools work and, ultimately, how their involvement with the school makes the critical difference in their child’s success.

2B’s team led the program development, branding, piloting and early statewide implementation of the “School Smarts Academy. Today, School Smarts has expanded to schools districts throughout the state, graduated thousands of parents and received the National PTA’s first-ever award for diversity and inclusion. The program is delivered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Tagalog and Vietnamese and has become an essential CAPTA offering.